Wednesday, May 13, 2009

WEEK 2 of The NCRC May Series was ELECTRIC!

It was time to make a return visit to where it all began last week and that was Umstead Park. Jim was amped to take it the next level and I knew he was capable of kickin some dirt with those Adrenaline ASR's.

This week we ran 4 miles and as always those 4 felt like 40...ok maybe not 40 but it sure felt longer than 4!

It is always a joy to see new people face the trail in battle and it is even more a joy to see them return for the next week wanting more. This is most definatley a result of the wonderful events and gatherings offered by the North Carolina Roadrunners club. Big thanks to Jennifer and the NCRC
Here are some pics of the goodtimes we had...
Showing off the Brooks Adrenaline ASR

Here I am taking some time to give a shout out to my Omega peeps

Everything is a blur when we run on the trail

"I sure hope Jim is not lost"

1 comment:

  1. The beard is lookin' good there buddy!
    It looks like you and Jimmy are off to a great start.
    Unfortunately, I can not make this Sunday's run. I hope you guys get a good turn out. We need this group to take off.
    Anyway, I hope all is good on the Omega Front.
