Sunday, May 31, 2009

The First Group Run!!!

In a couple of weeks we will be starting up our group run out of the Omega Sports at North Hills.

On Sunday, June 14th we will be running a 4 mile out and back and for those who want to run longer we will offer the 4, 8 or 12 mile option.

On Sunday, June 28th we will be doing a 4 mile loop and again for those who want more we will offer 4, 8, or 12.

The only thing we require in order to run with the Mega Milers is that you run with clothes on. There have been many a story of streakers showing up at group runs across the area and I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to streakers. Just look at the poor guy in the picture below us. The people at the finish line had to blur out parts of the picture before publishing it to the net.

all joking aside...If you would like to join us on the 14th or the 28th please email me at (if you do not rsvp you can still join us, no worries!)

Friday, May 22, 2009

From one EXTREME to another...

The last couple of nights I have enjoyed some classic night runs with Nershi. All I had to do was throw in some grooves and some fast kicks and I was certain it would be alright alright alright!

It was this past thursday night that I tried the less is more approach by running in the 7 ounce Asics Gel Hyper Speed. This would turn out to be a super fast run in a super fast shoe. I am not that fast but in these shoes I felt like I was running in socks with laces. Although I have low arches I was suprised at how good it felt have very little under my foot. With my favorite Dog in the lead and my favorite band (Umphrey's Mcgee) groovin in my ears this turned out to be a fun one!

"I tried telling Nershi that those shoes would not fit him!"

Friday night I decided to take out the 12 ounce Brooks Trance which would deliver a nice ride as well. The support this shoe offered was quite the opposite of the hyper speed. But it was the green superfeet that made me want to dance. Please don't misunderstand me, I wasn't quite as firey as Kevin Bacon in footloose but instead more like Patrick Swayze teaching the whole town to dance in that 80's classic we all love...Roadhouse....ah no I mean, Dirty Dancing.

Below are some videos showing how Nershi and I prepare for our daily runs!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

WEEK 2 of The NCRC May Series was ELECTRIC!

It was time to make a return visit to where it all began last week and that was Umstead Park. Jim was amped to take it the next level and I knew he was capable of kickin some dirt with those Adrenaline ASR's.

This week we ran 4 miles and as always those 4 felt like 40...ok maybe not 40 but it sure felt longer than 4!

It is always a joy to see new people face the trail in battle and it is even more a joy to see them return for the next week wanting more. This is most definatley a result of the wonderful events and gatherings offered by the North Carolina Roadrunners club. Big thanks to Jennifer and the NCRC
Here are some pics of the goodtimes we had...
Showing off the Brooks Adrenaline ASR

Here I am taking some time to give a shout out to my Omega peeps

Everything is a blur when we run on the trail

"I sure hope Jim is not lost"

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Our first run?

So, has everyone weighed in on this? When is the first run?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

From the Island

How are all the Omegians doing?
Nice website Lee Lee!
Sue, stop wanting to run earlier than 8am. Some of us like our beauty sleep!
I am psyched about our group.
I also agree that Sunday mornings would be great or really any morning. The evenings will be getting to hot for this yankee blood.
Well, I will see you all soon.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

NCRC May Trail Series- Week 1

As always the North Carolina RoadRunners club put on some pretty cool monthly runs at a variety of places. For the month of May, we at Omega had the opportunity to help sponsor, so in preparation for the new Mega Milers Run Club I thought I would give an update of the fun we had out at Umstead Park during week one.

It was a joy to be out there with others of a like mind not to mention we had Jim Bo Capps of the Omega family having his first battle against the trail. As always the trail won but we certainly had a great time. The first week gave us a 3 mile run and with each week they add a mile into the mix, thus closing out the month with a 6 miler...

Here are some pics to give you a taste of the fun we had out at Umstead. If you want to join us it is every thursday during the month of May at 6:30. The meeting place is the harrison ave entrance into Umstead Park.

Here is Jim dancing to the oldies

The Brooks Cascadia did not take "no" for an answer!

No that is not Kevin Costner
"Are we lost already?"
"You should be in a stability shoe"
"I cannot wait for some Char-Grill"